
Salmon Release at Stanley Park

Paul Romani

Goodbye Salmon Fry

On Friday 13th (unlucky for some), 23 children enjoyed a fantastic educational experience helping release Pear Tree’s 49 Coho salmon fry.

Taking place at Beaver Creek at Stanley Park, the children took part in a series of science workshops conducted by educators from the Stanley Park Ecology Society.
Pear Tree invited along 11 students from the Union Gospel Mission. Pear Tree and UGM kids alike appreciated the hands-on approach and out-in-nature aspect to this field trip.
As a bonus treat, following the release of the salmon fry, the students also got to view and/or study the other wildlife in the Beaver Creek area, including heron, frogs, turtles, beaver, ducks, and squirrels!
There were mixed emotions among Pear Tree’s directors, who personally supervised this big event. The fry had been at Pear Tree since January, and had been there throughout the renovation of Pear Tree’s 21st century learning centre in Kitsilano. Developing from eggs into fry, the salmon had become part of the learning centre. Their presence fascinated all visitors alike. Now, they will be missed.
However, Pear Tree is proud to have contributed to the growth and survival of B.C.’s salmon population, with the assistance of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. This will be the first year of many, as Pear Tree believes that all children should develop a strong bond with the local environment and its wildlife.